Dog Training eBook Download 2017

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This Dog Training eBook primarily focuses on training and training workouts in a step-by-step method. It offers fewer concepts and approach, and rather provides more real training methods with dog training suggestions. The most famous existing method of training is a technique of positive support. The actions is enhanced using food, kindness or applauding. This strategy is great for training puppies.

The fact is that you can not raise a dog without negative responses. Nature is full of negative reinforcement, and parental canines use that to train their young in the wild. Because it is effective and it is how pups learn, they do it.

NOTE: present briefly this guide and you will find only short advices and instructions..Download full version of Dog Training Guide from the link on the end, and find out much more detailed instructions how to train your dog!

On the other hand, you should not base your training on negative feedback alone. The most crucial guide is to be constant in your training and in your reinforcement. Don’t let your bad day at work become a reason to over-stimulate your dog.

This book will help guide you through the process if you are going to train a dog. You will also discover Service dog training techniques How to provide leash training How to train a dog to sit How to train a dog another 8 basic commands How guard dogs and rescue dogs are trained to communicates (dog howling) How to eliminate mistakes in dog training.


The dog was the first animal to be domesticated by people. The ways of the dog changed with the changes in people’s lives. Years ago, man evaluated the useful qualities of the dog: an acute sense of smell, sharp ears, strong eyes, a fast run, endurance, and unpretentiousness. Throughout the millenniums of systematic selection and deliberate action, the dog formed the pronouncing affection for his guardian and susceptibility to training.

Food Method

The food method appeared in the process of domestication of wild animals. The concept of the conditioned reflex was put in science by Professor Pavlov. By the way, this scientist carried out his experiments on dogs.

dog training method with the foodPersistent conditional reflexes of dogs formed on the taste, smell, kind of food, on the time and place of a feeding. During feeding, the conditional reflexes are formed on the appearance, smell, gestures, and words of the trainer. The food method is used to establish and strengthen the contacts between the trainer and the dog and for training the dog to his nickname.

For dogs training, a meal is used in the form of small pieces of meat, bread, and sugar, known as a treat. Giving a treat at the end of the action, performed on the trainer’s signal, is a reinforcement of the desired behavior and is used as encouragement for the dog.


Showing the treat after the command can also apply if earlier this action was repeatedly reinforced by giving the treat. In such cases, the treat becomes the stimulatory factor. Motivational and stimulating action of the treat is used to develop the skills of coming to the trainer, the skills of crossing the obstacles, giving voice and others. The stimulating effect of the treat is used to combine several conditional reflexes in one difficult skill.

1. The treat is given to the dog by his trainer at the end of the correctly performed action. If the dog performs the desired action inaccurately or wrong, the treat is not given. Unknown persons are prohibited from giving the treat.

2. The treat should be stored in a special handbag and should be given by the left hand in a prescribed manner.

3. Giving the treat should activate and stimulate the dog’s action, combined with the pronunciation of the praise “good” and stroking.

4. The treat should not be given often and in a large quantity as main feed or for no special reason, because reinforcing value of the treat is broken while developing further training. Large portions of the treat distract the dog and complicate the process of training.

5. The active state of the dog is supported by the treat when training is held before feeding or after 4 hours after it. For well-fed dogs, treats are impractical.

Physical Impact is Important

In dog training, physical impact of different strengths are used: stroking, clapping, pressing by hand, pulling, jerking the leash or applying strict collar, lash or rod. The action of mechanical stimuli is perceived by the dog’s skin receptors. Depending on the strength and way of action of the mechanical stimulus, the dog feels touch, pressure or pain.

dog pulling on leash

In response to these feelings, appropriate responses are manifested: pleasure, obedience, subordination or opposition, which can be displayed as nastiness and aggressiveness. The trainer, guessing the results of different stimuli actions, skillfully combines commands or gestures with the corresponding actions of the dog.

For example, after the command “Heel,” the trainer jerks the leash and forces the dog to take an appropriate position; the command “Sit” is given with a jerk of the leash up and back, combining with the pressure on the middle of the back, forcing the dog to sit. Most skills are trained in such a way.

The reflections on mechanical stimuli differ by firmness, reliability and accuracy of required actions performed by the dog. However, after frequent use by the trainer’s mechanical stimuli, the dog becomes passive, timid, or even coward, and this complicates further training.

Contrast Method

Contrast method is the main method of training that combines all the positive aspects of the mechanical and taste-encouragement methods. The backbone of the method is in the fact that the action of the conditional stimulus is reinforced by a mechanical stimulus, and when a dog commits an action or stands in a specific position, it receives a reward in the form of a treat.

dog receiving reward in training

For example, during the formation of a conditional reflex of the command “sit,” the conditional stimulus is firstly reinforced by pressing the lumbar region of the dog (mechanical action), and as soon as the dog sits down, it’s given a treat. In this case, applied pain and food stimuli according to their biological value are opposite (contrasting).

If you repeat such combinations, the skills will form faster and a dog will respond clearly and vigorously to signals of a trainer. Skills can be trouble-free. Another positive aspect of this method is that during the formation of skills, the activity of the dog does not decrease and the contact with the trainer remains.

Emulation Method

Emulation method is based on the use of inherent reactions of animals to emulate the actions of another animal or person. It is the only auxiliary method and is mostly used in the educative training of puppies and young dogs. Dogs have highly developed emulate reflexes. It takes only one dog to get excited for other dogs to react to its barking.

emulationm method training for dogs

Emulation can help to form many conditional reflexes: overcoming obstacles, snatching trainer suit, giving voice, crawling and even tracking, especially in a pair. The emulated degree depends on the age and type of dog. Most of the conditional reflexes that puppies and young dogs have are formed due to the emulation of the mother and adult dogs. Using the emulation method of training, conditional reflexes of some dogs are formed quickly. However, not all the skills can be formed by this method.

Age of Your Dog

Efficiency and quality of training depend on the age of the dog. With puppies, targeted preparatory training is best. They use the same methods during training puppies and adult dogs but take into account the peculiarities of animals. Puppies are more mobile, susceptible to emulation, and are too sensitive to mechanical (painful) stimuli. If possible, it is better to use more food stimuli and encourage them to carry out the desirable actions in a group of two or three pups or during games.

15 years old dog

It is recommended that a dog be engaged 2-3 times a day, preferably before feeding, but not earlier than 2-3 hours after feeding. In determining the number of training sessions and the duration of each of them, it is necessary to take into account the number and types of the exercises, their complexity, nervous and exercise stress on the dog’s body and its workability.

Why You Should Download the Dog Training eBook

By downloading and reading “Dog Training” PDF book young trainers will learn some important things about dog and also find out how to train a dog for this commands: “Come”, “Heel”, “Walk”, “Sit”, “Down”, “Stand”, “Speak”, “Fetch”, “Stop” and much more other commands.This guide is excellent and all the instructions are explained in detail, we recommend that you download this book!

Book Details
Pages: 35
Format: PDF/EPUB
File Size: 3.30 MB
Upload Date: November 13, 2016
Language: English
DummyKnow Score: 10/10


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Examples of the Trainer Mistake

Let’s consider the following case: Two dogs pounce on each other. Some trainers take them away in the different direction and start to punish, thinking that dogs know why they are punished. Punishment leads to a violation of contact between the dog and the trainer, but don’t choke the aggression to each other.

Another situation: During a walk, the dog chases after the cat, the trainer recalls the dog by the command “Come” and punishes with a blow of a leash or whip. The blow of a leash or whip is perceived not in connection with the chase after a cat, but with the command “Come.” The command “Come” and look of the leash in the hands of the trainer reinforced by the influence of pain.

Go Slowly for Success

The dog formed the wrong reflex at the command “Come” and on a leash. On these signals, the dog will run away from the trainer. There is often a desire to produce a large number of skills in a short time in dog training.

A lot of people want to go quickly to the special training without developing basic commands properly. Haste leads to the fact that the training of individual skills is made carelessly, without serial input and testing of complications.

The most common mistakes in training are the monotony of conditions, simplification of the situation, lack of time shifts and changes of the territory, distrust for the dog and uncertainty of the trainer; failure to observe the sequence of the introduction of complications and non-fulfillment of the tasks.

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A comment on "Dog Training eBook Download 2017"

  1. KatharinaLev says:

    The best dog training book i ever find, thanks a lot

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